NI: Bill for ‘soft opt-out’ organ donation introduced to Stormont

Robin Swann
Legislation providing for a “soft opt-out” system of organ and tissue donation in Northern Ireland has been introduced to Stormont.
Under the Organ and Tissue Donation (Deemed Consent) Bill, it is considered that everyone would be willing to donate their organs unless they have formally opted out or fall into an exempted category.
In line with the opt-out frameworks now in place in Wales, England and Scotland, the exempted categories would include people under 18, visitors to Northern Ireland and people who lack mental capacity.
Families of the deceased would continue to be consulted about donation as well as considerations around faith and beliefs.
Health Minister Robin Swann said: “Today’s first reading is just the latest step along what has already been a long road for those who have campaigned so diligently to bring this legislation forward. We still have a distance to travel but I am hopeful that public support in favour of an opt-out system for organ donations will be reflected in the Assembly.
“Much work remains to be done if we are to achieve our aim of seeing this legislation passed before the end of this present mandate.
“This will include a second stage debate to take place following the summer recess. Subject to Assembly agreement the Bill would then move to the Health Committee, whose call for evidence may be issued over the summer.”