New report to examine rights for prisoners with disabilities

The Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) will tomorrow launch a new research report examining the experiences of prisoners with disabilities, and the difficulties they face navigating prison services.
The report, entitled Making Rights Real for People with Disabilities in Prison, presents the findings of a small-scale exploratory study commissioned by IPRT from the Centre for Disability Law and Policy at NUI Galway.
Report author Maria Ní Fhlatharta will speak at the launch event in Dublin tomorrow alongside Áine Flynn, director of the new Decision Support Service within the Mental Health Commission; Professor Gautum Gulati MD, a consultant forensic psychiatrict/adjunct associate clinical professor at University of Limerick; Robbie Sinnott of Voice of Vision Impairment; Dr John Devlin, executive clinical lead at the Irish Prison Service; and the prisons inspector Patricia Gilheaney.