Upgrade to PIAB Solicitors’ Portal

The Personal Injuries Assessment Board (PIAB) has just completed an upgrade to the PIAB Solicitors’ Portal which brings benefits to users.
Over 70% of solicitors are now registered to use the Portal and in excess of 75% of new claims are submitted by solicitors through the Portal. The application fee for new claims submitted through the Portal is €45 whereas a new claim submitted by post is €90. The Portal also brings other major benefits for Solicitors and their clients.
The Portal can be accessed at www.piab.ie.
What’s new for Solicitors in the upgraded Portal?
- Improved and simplified correspondence exchange for solicitors.
- A new tab showing all the latest correspondence from PIAB in one convenient location.
- Solicitors have the ability to add new Respondents digitally and receive an immediate Section 50 receipt for the new Respondents.
- Administrators can now edit their firm details including adding or removing users.
- A new pending claim function enabling users to return to their applications to complete submissions at a later date.
- For new applications only: Correspondence, including all statutory notices, will now be issued by the PIAB Solicitors Portal only. Furthermore firms that have recently consented to service by electronic means will also continue to receive all correspondence, including statutory notices, by the PIAB Solicitors Portal.
The following is a briefing on the key benefits and also some information about how solicitors can register for the portal.
What are the benefits of using the portal?
The benefits to any solicitor firm may be summarised as follows:
- Access to real time information in relation to claims.
- Facility to monitor progress of claim applications.
- Automated acknowledgement of the statute stopped date on submission of an application (this is a unique benefit only available to users who submit claims via the portal).
- Ability to speedily and easily upload/download documents significantly reducing postage costs and improving response times and efficiencies.
- Ready access to information to convey to clients.
- Reduced paper/storage and admin costs.
- Visibility of assessment details prior to receipt by clients.
- Payment on account options.
- Reduced application fee of €45 (postal application fees will cost €90).
How do I register to avail of this service?
The registration process is quick and easy. Simply visit the PIAB website (www.piab.ie) and go to the solicitor portal section. Click on “Solicitor Portal Login”. On the login page click “Register”.
You will be brought to the Register Firm Account page. The administrator of this solicitor’s firm account should complete this page. The role of the administrator is to register and create the office account. This individual will be the main point of contact with PIAB. Once you and any additional approved users have registered and created their individual passwords the portal is then available for use.
If solicitors have any further questions or require additional information, please contact us at solicitorportal@piab.ie.