Adoption Authority opens applications for contact preference register

Roderic O'Gorman
The Adoption Authority for Ireland has invited adopted people and parents to register their preferences in relation to contact following the commencement of new legislation.
The first provisions of the Birth Information and Tracing Act 2022 were commenced today after it was signed into law by the president yesterday.
This landmark legislation provides a right of access to birth certificates, birth and early life information for all persons who were adopted, boarded out, the subject of an illegal birth registration or who otherwise have questions in relation to their origins.
It also establishes a tracing service and a contact preference register, to which applications may be made from today.
The Act provides that the contact preference register must be open for a minimum period of three months before applications for birth certificate and related birth information will be accepted.
Children’s minister Roderic O’Gorman said: “Upon taking office, I made it clear that this legislation and the rights that it extends were a priority for me. I have spoken to many people affected by this legislation, and they told me about the impact the lack of access to that fundamental information about their own identity has had on them. I sincerely hope that this historic law finally provides the answers that so many people have sought for so long.
“Unfortunately for some people, the information that exists may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate. This reminds us all of how important the support and counselling services in place for people will be.
“We are determined to support people to answer questions that remain unanswered to date. In October, when all affected persons will be able to avail of these new provisions that will allow unfettered access to their birth information, we will be able to see the positive and hugely significant impact of this legislation.”