Advertorial: Will your firm support My Legacy’s campaign to make charitable bequests the norm in Ireland?
As you know, the level of will making in Ireland is low; generally, 3 in 10 Irish people have made their will. It is in everybody’s interest to encourage more people to visit a solicitor to put their affairs in order and make provisions for the future and to consider doing so at every life stage.
In addition, whilst it is hard to put a precise figure on it, some estimates say the value of Irish legacies could be in the region of €50 million per annum, considerably less pro-rata than our nearest neighbours, the UK, and other jurisdictions. This is partly because people aren’t generally aware that it is possible to leave a tax-free gift to charity and that legacies come in all shapes and sizes, however modest.
Established in 2006, My Legacy is an umbrella group of 60 Irish charities working together to promote the importance of making a will and to ask people to consider leaving a legacy gift to a charity. Our aim is to build a sustainable future for all our members and all our communities.
My Legacy Week commences next Monday, 29th October. It is our annual public awareness campaign to encourage the public to consider leaving a tax-free legacy gift in their will to a charity they care about after all other personal decisions have been made. Co-ordinated by Edelman Ireland, the €35k campaign runs over an eight-week period, digitally and offline.
Our website provides useful information about the simple process of visiting a solicitor and making a will as well as good causes to consider supporting.
At present, we have 530 solicitor firms listed on our website who support our campaign.
They do so in two ways: firstly, by promoting My Legacy Week to their clients and local community; secondly and crucially, by always including the legacy question in their client checklists and will consultations.
Will your firm play your part? Will you add the legacy question to your checklist and support our campaign? Find out more at
Bernadette Parte
Principal, Parte & Associates Solicitors
Board member, My Legacy