A&L Goodbody recognised for alternative legal services wing

Pictured: ALGS's Gillian McDonald, partner and head of transactions (legal), and Eoghan Kenny, head of eDiscovery and investigation support.
A&L Goodbody’s captive alternative legal services provider ALG Solutions has been recognised with an award at the ALM Law.com International Legal Innovation & Technology Awards.
The firm was presented with the ‘Future of Legal Services Innovation’ award at the 10th annual awards ceremony in London late last week.
Charlie Carroll, partner and head of ALG Solutions, said: “ALG Solutions is at the cutting edge of technology adoption, project management and agile resourcing to enhance how we support our clients on their most important business mandates.
“Creating a bespoke career path trajectory for our multidisciplinary professionals has enhanced our ability to attract, retain and develop diverse talent. It is a catalyst for a firm-wide culture of innovative forward thinking and consistently challenging the traditional delivery of legal services.”