An Garda Síochána yet to address concerns over hate crime recording

An Garda Síochána has yet to address concerns raised last year over its recording of hate crimes, the Central Statistics Office (CSO) has warned.
A CSO report in December 2018 suggested that at least 27 per cent of hate crimes were not correctly logged in the PULSE database in 2017.
Statistician Sam Scriven told The Irish Times that had “no objective proof that anything has been completed or achieved” to improve the data since then.
A spokesperson for An Gada Síochána said it had introduced “a number of measures to improve data quality” and was working to fully implement the CSO’s recommendations.
The force has drafted a framework to assess data quality and comprehensive crime-recording rules, as recommended by the CSO in July 2018, but has not yet finalised or implemented them.
It has also appointed an interim data officer and will “shortly” make a permanent appointment to the post, as recommended.