And finally…  attorney-client privilege

Lawyers in California are unhappy about a new ethics rule mooted by a state bar commission for the first time in 30 years – that attorneys who have sex with their clients could be disciplined.

The sunshine state currently bars practitioners from taking sex as payment for legal services or coercing clients into sex.

But supporters of a ban say any sexual relationship between a lawyer and client is inherently unequal and potentially coercive.

Under the proposals, lawyers could face private censure or loss of their licences.

Other changes would allow the state bar to discipline lawyers for harassment or discrimination – even in the absence of a finding of wrongdoing.

At present, sex with clients is forbidden it if it causes the attorney to “perform legal services incompetently.”

James Ham, a lawyer on the commission, said: “Proponents of a complete ban cannot articulate why a lawyer should be disciplined for sexual relations with a mature, intelligent, consenting adult, in the absence of any quid pro quo, coercion, intimidation or undue influence.”

The California Supreme Court will ultimately have the final say on any changes.

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