And finally… double bluff

An alleged crime duo awaiting trial for forging government documents escaped jail using forged court documents, it has emerged.

Mohammed Lukman Shaikh, 48, and Bashir Mulla, 62, secured bail using fake documents signed by non-existing cops and guarantors.

Embarrassingly, it took almost a month for police to realise that they had been released without the correct judicial checks and approval.

Vijay Sanap at Srinagar police station in Thane, India told the Mumbai Mirror: “Three days back, when I was going through the case diary I saw a paper which said that both the accused had been released.

“The document was signed by senior inspector Kaarkar of Srinagar police station and submitted by one constable RS Patil.

“As I myself am attached to the same police station I know that there is no one called Patil there and also the name of the senior inspector was different.

“I enquired with the Srinagar police station and found out they had no idea of the accused having been released.”

The hunt for the pair and their dubious lawyer - potentially an imposter himself - is now on.

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