And finally… Vorsprung durch Technik?

Judges in the German capital have been forced to switch back to photocopiers and fax machines due to a catastrophic failure in their hopelessly outdated computer system.
Computers at the Kammergericht, the highest state court for Berlin, are still using the Windows 95 operating system, which Microsoft officially discontinued in 2001.
Hundreds of the machines have now been disconnected from the Internet following a virus infection, forcing judges to use photocopiers, glue sticks and fax machines to produce documents and communicate with the outside world, Der Tagesspiegel reports.
Just 60 computers were back in use more than four weeks after the attack, but can only send emails within a small temporary network.
Appealing for investment, court president Bernd Pickel said: “To get out of [this situation], we need help.”
The city’s justice minister, Dirk Behrendt, said money will not be a problem.