Appointment of new Garda Commissioner ‘to take six months’

Appointment of new Garda Commissioner 'to take six months'

The Policing Authority has said the appointment of the next Garda Commissioner may take up to six months, The Irish Times reports.

The process of finding a successor to former commissioner Nóirín O’Sullivan, who unexpectedly retired this month, remains at an early stage.

A spokesperson told The Irish Times that the Authority is examining the potential criteria for the job specification in conjunction with the Department of Justice and the Public Appointments Service.

It hopes to advertise the role in a matter of weeks, but expects that it will take six months to interview applicants and identify a candidate.

The Policing Authority also said it expects to release its report on the falsification of drink-driving breath tests in mid-October.

It was due to be completed this week, but has been delayed due to the publication of internal Garda reports, which will be incorporated.

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