NI: Arthur Cox names four new associates in Belfast

Pictured: Arthur Cox Northern Ireland managing partner Catriona Gibson (centre) with Maeve Williams, James Mulligan, Chris Dickison and Lucy McKee (L-R)
Arthur Cox has announced the appointment of Maeve Williams, James Mulligan, Chris Dickison and Lucy McKee as associates in Belfast.
Ms Williams has joined the corporate and commercial team, Ms McKee has joined the finance group and Mr Mulligan and Mr Dickison have joined the property team.
All four are newly-qualified solicitors whose appointments follows their successful completion of Arthur Cox’s trainee programme.
Catriona Gibson, managing partner at Arthur Cox Northern Ireland, said: “It has been a pleasure to watch our newly qualified solicitors grow throughout our two-year training programme, each finding their own specialism aligned with their professional and personal qualities.
“I look forward to watching their careers develop yet further over the years ahead as we continue to experience growth across all service lines.”