Barristers receive second LSRA bill this year

Barristers receive second LSRA bill this year

Barristers have received the second of two bills they were told to expect from the Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) this year.

Until 2021, the annual levy — which helps to fund the LSRA — was paid by the Bar Council on behalf of all members of the Law Library. It is now paid by barristers.

As a result of unexpected delays affecting the 2022 levy, barristers received a €301.85 bill for the 2022 levy which was due by 31 January 2024, and have in recent days received a €373.84 bill for the 2023 levy.

The Bar Council said late last year: “This is a once-off scenario that arises because of the delays in passing the amendments to the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 earlier this year. For each year thereafter, members will be invoiced to pay the LSRA levy once in each year.”

Barristers who fail to pay the LSRA levy bill in time face expulsion from the Law Library.

Practising barristers who are already not members of the Law Library are levied directly by the LSRA.

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