Barristers to be billed for LSRA levy

Barristers have been told they will have to pay two new bills totalling hundreds of euros next year as the Bar Council will no longer be covering the costs of the LSRA’s annual levy on their behalf.
As a result of unexpected delays affecting the 2022 levy, barristers can expect to receive two bills in one year — first for the 2022 levy in the sum of €301.85, due by 31 January 2024, and again for the 2023 levy in May/June 2024.
The annual levy, which helps to fund the Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA), was paid by the Bar Council on behalf of all members of the Law Library in each year from 2018 to 2021, representing a total of €550 per member.
A document sent to barristers on behalf of the Bar Council says that it built up funds to assist members with the financial impact of the levy, but its “resources are not infinite, and consequently, members will be invoiced for the 2022 LSRA levy in the coming weeks”.
The document also explains that “delays in the legislative process” impacting the levy meant the Bar Council only received details of the 2022 levy from the LSRA last month.
These delays have led to the situation where two bills relating to the LSRA levy will be issued in the same year.
The Bar Council said: “This is a once-off scenario that arises because of the delays in passing the amendments to the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 earlier this year. For each year thereafter, members will be invoiced to pay the LSRA levy once in each year.”
Barristers who fail to pay the LSRA levy bill in time face expulsion from the Law Library.
Practising barristers who are already not members of the Law Library are levied directly by the LSRA.