NI: Belfast solicitors get on their bikes for charity

NI: Belfast solicitors get on their bikes for charity

More than 20 members of the Belfast Solicitors’ Association (BSA) got on their bikes to support charity partner Inspire.

Lawyers took part in the 100-kilometre NDCC Coastal Challenge on Sunday to raise cash for the mental health charity, formerly known as Niamh, the Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health.

Steven Millar from Culbert & Martin Solicitors said: “I was delighted to get involved in this cycle ride to support Inspire and the vital work it does to support mental health in our communities.

“The cycle ride itself was quite a challenge and all our riders have varying levels of experience but we were all supporting each other along the way. To say it was a hot day would be an understatement but we all made it home safely and raised over £2,000 along the way.”

Nuala Dalcz, director of external affairs for Inspire, added: “The whole BSA team have been so supportive in terms of raising awareness of mental health and, with events like this cycle, raising money for our services. Inspire provides mental health, addiction and learning disability support services across Northern Ireland and helps thousands of people every week. To see the 20-strong BSA peloton completing such an immense challenge is fantastic.”

Through the cycle, the BSA aimed not only to raise funds but also to raise awareness about mental health.

Eoghan McKenna, chair of the Belfast Solicitors’ Association, said: “We in BSA are dedicated to playing our part in breaking down the stigma around mental illness.

“Partnering with Inspire we want to encourage people to look after their mental health and, through events like last weekend’s cycle for wellbeing, raise the profile of this important cause.”

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