NI: Carson McDowell gives law insight to school students

NI: Carson McDowell gives law insight to school students

Belfast firm Carson McDowell gave secondary and grammar school students from across Northern Ireland an insight into what they might expect if they choose law as a career.

Students attending the Work Inspiration Day at the firm’s offices were mentored by Gerard Armstrong, Rachael McAdorey, Marie McKeown, Victoria O’Hara, Rosie Timoney, Naomi Gaston, Fiona Wallace, Leanne McCleery, Sophie Hanna and Andrew Edwards.

It included exercises and activities including practical tips on CVs, topical discussions on legal issues and a lively negotiation exercise which the firm said suggested “more than a few of those present who might well be stars of the legal world in the not too distant future”.

The event was run in partnership with Business in the Community.

Michael Johnston, managing partner of Carson McDowell, said: “Carson McDowell is always keen to work with Business in the Community which is a brilliant organisation which adds so much to schools, business and the wider community.

“The Work Inspiration events are a great opportunity for students to understand how a busy commercial law firm operates and to get some tips that might help them to make their own career decisions over the coming years.

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