CCODR reminds ADR practitioners to protect client data when taking dispute resolution online
Recently quoted in the Irish Times, Ms Justice Mary Irvine, the President of the High Court in Ireland, encouraged parties involved in personal injury disputes to attempt to settle their claims.
This insightful judicial encouragement was made in the knowledge that only 11% of cases that reach the doors of the Court proceed to a contested hearing and that there are in excess of 320 personal injury cases in the High Court in Ireland that have been postponed because of Covid-19. These figures will be significantly amplified when one looks to the totality of the UK and Ireland.
Ms Justice Irvine is also quoted as saying, “Because of social distancing and other safety issues, finding a way to safely and justly hear cases involving numbers of witnesses presents a challenge that is unlikely to be entirely over come in the short term.”
Necessity is after all the mother of invention. Parties, particularly those involved in commercial disputes, have switched on to the use of alternative dispute resolution as a means of resolving their disputes in a timely, efficient and cost effective manner. That wave has been building in the UK and Ireland for quite some time and is backed by judicial and legislative encouragement.
Covid-19 has moved the venue of ADR online. Parties and their representatives wish to proceed and the courts remain focused on positive judicial encouragement to ensure that there is timely access to justice when a Court hearing is a must.
Although necessity is the mother of invention, invention requires constant sense checking and modification. Some parties have reacted quickly, patching together various platforms and technologies to deliver online ADR. Their invention and industriousness should be applauded, however security, compliance and the safety of clients’ data should never be forgotten.
Based in Northern Ireland, CCODR – a company backed by Innovate UK – is offering a purpose built web-based solution to facilitate online dispute resolution to aid the resolution of disputes faced by businesses, organisations and individuals thereby enabling a return to ‘business as usual’ in a more efficient and cost effective manner than traditional legal routes can provide.
The CCODR platform offers the only online dispute resolution industry-specific technological platform which is partnered with a Consumer Code. Unique features of the platform include end to end encryption (E2EE), a full suite of case management tools for alternative dispute practitioners, encrypted uploading and file sharing, and integration of digital billing including invoices, payments and receipts, among other features purpose-built into the platform to facilitate highly secure online dispute resolution sessions across the UK and Ireland and enable ADR practitioners to seek out work beyond their geographical boundaries.
To find out more or request a demo, please visit or email