Competition watchdog consulting on new merger guidelines

Competition watchdog consulting on new merger guidelines

The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) has launched a public consultation on revised merger guidelines.

The current CCPC guidelines for merger analysis were adopted in October 2014 and set out the watchdog’s analytical framework and approach to conducting merger analysis.

The guidelines cover each of the areas of analysis the CCPC may undertake in order to establish whether or not a merger will lead to a substantial lessening of competition in any market for goods or services in the State.

CCPC member Úna Butler said: “Our current merger guidelines are 10 years old and we have learned lessons and developed our practice over that time. Also, international practice for merger analysis has seen significant change to take account of new markets and developments.

“A review of the guidelines is timely and necessary.”

The consultation will cover areas such as the substantial lessening of competition test, market definition and assessment of competitive effects of a merger.

The full proposed scope of the consultation, along with consultation questions and directions on how to make a submission, are outlined in the call for input document.

The consultation will run until COB Tuesday 29 October 2024. Submissions should be made via email to

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