Complimentary Register of Beneficial Owners (RBO) Filing with all New Company Formations!
Company Bureau is pleased to offer complimentary RBO filings with all New Company Formations
As you know, all Irish companies are now legally required to file their beneficial ownership information with the central register within 5 months of incorporation. Company Bureau is happy to process these required filings at no additional cost for all new company formations ordered through us. Our normal rate for our RBO filing service is €150+VAT.
Our online professional advisor rate for a new LTD company formation is €295 €199 (including VAT). With Ireland’s fastest formation service, we can have a company incorporated for your clients in just 2-3 business days.
How do I Avail of Discounted Formation Rates and Complimentary RBO Filing Service?
Contact our Business Accounts Manager, Gary Harpur please call +353 1 6461625 or email
Company Bureau has been in business for 23 years offering reliable and cost-effective company formations and corporate services that will help you to save time and money.