Court reporting to get boost from new €6m fund

Court reporting to get boost from new €6m fund

A new €6 million fund has been launched to support media coverage of district and circuit court hearings as well as local authorities.

Coimisiún na Meán yesterday launched the two new journalism schemes, which were established following a recommendation from the Future of Media Commission.

The government has allocated €6 million to cover both the grants and administration costs of the schemes, which are now open to applications from journalists and media outlets.

To be eligible, applicants will be required to demonstrate editorial expertise, capacity and track-record, and must also be a regulated entity, or affiliated with a regulated entity.

All content funded through the schemes will be made freely available to the public no less than seven days after its initial publication, and will be uploaded by Coimisiún na Meán to its website.

Rónán Ó Domhnaill, media development commissioner at Coimisiún na Meán, said: “We are delighted to be launching our journalism schemes for local democracy and court reporting today.

“This is the first opportunity for Coimisiún na Meán to offer direct support to promote high-quality and trusted journalism for local communities across Ireland on a platform-neutral basis. This is the first time print and online news providers can be supported this way.

“These new schemes are being introduced on a pilot basis and will be reviewed subsequently, with feedback received and the stakeholder engagement contributing to the development of future funding initiatives and schemes.

“We would like to encourage all eligible applicants to apply for funding and we look forward to receiving feedback on the implementation of these new schemes.”

Catherine Martin, minister for tourism, culture, arts, Gaelteacht, sport and media, said: “I warmly welcome the launch of the local democracy and courts reporting schemes by Coimisiún na Meán today.

“A strong, diverse and free media sector, of which local and regional news are a vital component, is essential for democracy and for our society as a whole. The schemes mark a new departure by the State to support public interest journalism at a time when traditional journalism is under pressure.

“The €6m I secured in Budget 2024 for the new schemes will help support quality, independent public interest journalism that provides an essential service to the public as well as the plurality, sustainability and integrity of our media.”

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