Courts Service stops publishing dates of Limerick repossession hearings

The Courts Service in Limerick has stopped publishing dates on which home repossession proceedings will be heard, The Irish Times reports.
Applications for home repossessions were previously listed on the Courts Service website, with hearings held on the first Friday of every other month. Now, repossession cases will be spread out over a number of days, with extra gardaí present for such hearings.
Borrowers will be told by their lenders, not by the courts, that a hearing is being held up to three weeks before.
A source said a “new regime” was put in place as part of a package of security measures aimed at countering anti-eviction protesters.
The source told The Irish Times: “The repossession court is operating under a new regime. It is not publishing the list.
“There is no set day for the hearings anymore. People are advised in advance, that’s the way it will continue.”
Superintendent Derek Smart told The Irish Times: “We reviewed what we should do to make sure the court could do its business. We have taken appropriate measures. That’s the bottom line.”