Darragh Mackin acting for Summerland fire victims’ families

Darragh Mackin acting for Summerland fire victims' families

Darragh Mackin

Stardust lawyer Darragh Mackin is now representing the families of victims of the 1973 Summerland disaster, which saw 50 holidaymakers killed in a fire on the Isle of Man.

Mr Mackin, a partner at Belfast firm Phoenix Law, has written to the Isle of Man’s attorney general to notify him of the families’ intention to apply for a fresh inquest into the deaths.

The families have long been dissatisfied with a verdict of ‘death by misadventure’ returned by an inquest in 1974.

Campaign group Justice for Summerland has previously drawn comparisons between the disaster and the Stardust fire. In a statement last month, it said: “Their fight took more than 40 years. They did not give up and neither shall we.”

The Isle of Man Attorney General’s Chambers has confirmed that “a letter was received this week from Mr Mackin” and has said that “a response will be delivered in due course”, the BBC reports.

Mr Mackin previously acted for the families of almost all of the Stardust victims. A fresh inquest into the 1981 nightclub fire last month concluded that they were unlawfully killed.

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