Decision on rezoning of family and child court complex site due on Friday

Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald
Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald

Dublin City Council will decide this Friday whether to go ahead with a land rezoning proposal that threatens the construction of the new family and child court complex.

The Government intends to provide a dedicated facility including new family courts at a site on Hammond Lane.

However, some councillors have proposed an amendment to the draft Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022 which would see part of the site rezoned as a park.

In response to a question in the Dáil, Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald said: “Since becoming aware of the proposed amendment, the Courts Service has written to Dublin City Council expressing its concerns and has made a submission requesting that the rezoning proposal be withdrawn.”

Ms Fitzgerald added: “The Courts Service understands that similar submissions have also been made by other organisations working in the area of family and child care law.

“I am informed that all submissions will be considered by City Councillors at a special meeting scheduled for 23 September next following which the Courts Service will consider the matter further and I can assure the Deputy that it is my intention to continue to take a very strong interest, from the Government’s perspective, in the delivery of this critical enhancement of our family court facilities in Dublin.”

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