Denise Kirwan appointed as director of social work body

Denise Kirwan
Comyn Kelleher Tobin partner Denise Kirwan has been appointed as an independent director of the Irish Association of Social Workers (IASW).
Ms Kirwan, who heads the firm’s child care department, has over 25 years’ experience in child and family law. She is a member of the Law Society’s child and family law committee and lectures on the Master’s in social work programme at University College Cork.
Her expertise encompasses a wide range of matters, including applications under the Child Care Act, the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court, and inter-jurisdictional applications under the Brussels II Regulations. She also has specialist experience in adoption, juvenile justice, special care and the High Court wardship jurisdiction.
In a statement, Comyn Kelleher Tobin said: “We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Denise on this notable achievement and wish her and the IASW board of management continued success.”
The IASW is the national professional body for social workers in Ireland, founded in 1971. With over 1,700 members, the IASW is dedicated to advancing the community and profession through excellence in standards and practice.