NI: Department of Justice allocates recovered crime funds to community groups

Justice Minister Claire Sugden
Justice Minister Claire Sugden

Northern Ireland’s Justice Minister Claire Sugden has announced the allocation of over £453,000 from the Asset Recovery Community Scheme to projects aimed at tackling crime and the fear of crime.

Ms Sugden announced the allocation of funds which come from assets seized from criminals while visiting projects by The Playhouse and Men’s Action Network in Derry today.

The Playhouse’s “Street Talk Film” project, which received funding of £11,750 aims to use the medium of film as part of a workshop programme to divert young people from becoming involved in paramilitarism. The Men’s Action Network, which received funding of £18,080, will work with offenders from the age of 16 who are preparing for release from prison. Their “Breaking the Cycle” Programme is designed to challenge repeat offending.

Ms Sugden said: “I always welcome the opportunity to visit projects such as these and to meet the young people who are benefiting. These two projects approach the fight against crime from different angles – one trying to divert young people from becoming involved and one trying to help those who have offended to find a different path on their release from prison.

“Since the beginning of the Asset Recovery Community Scheme we have been able to distribute in the region of £4 million to a wide range of projects across Northern Ireland. This tranche of funding represents more money which has been taken out of the hands of criminals and returned to the community. It will make a real difference in supporting those who want to do good for the community instead of inflicting harm and fear.”

Twenty four other projects across Northern Ireland have also benefitted with a total allocation this year of over £453,000. These include projects educating the elderly on scam awareness, supporting those offending through drug and alcohol problems and mentoring programmes for young people.

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