NI: Department of Justice launches consultation on modern slavery strategy
Northern Ireland’s Department of Justice has launched a consultation on the Draft Northern Ireland Modern Slavery Strategy 2018-2019.
The Department is seeking views and comments from individuals and organisations to help inform how it fights against human trafficking and exploitation.
Anthony Harbinson, director of safer communities, said: “We strive to have a safe community where everyone respects the law and each other. Human trafficking and modern slavery deprives victims of their most basic human rights.
“Working together we aim to strengthen and improve the ways we pursue the criminals who are exploiting the vulnerable, also how we protect and support victims, and how we can prevent others from falling prey to the criminals who are involved in the vile crimes around modern slavery.
“Tackling modern slavery requires a whole societal response; by taking the time to engage with our public consultation everyone can play a part in tackling it. Whether through local government, as a front-line professional, as part of a faith group, as an employer or as a member of society, if you think you can help our work, we would like to hear from you.”
The draft strategy builds on previous efforts and sets out an ambitious programme of work for the future. It has been developed through engagement with a wide range of statutory and civil society partners across Northern Ireland.
The consultation is open until 18 October 2018.