ELSA Ireland elects 2024/25 national board

The European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) Ireland has elected a new national board for 2024/25 following its 26th National Council meeting in Galway.
The all-day event welcomed members of the ELSA International Board, representatives from other ELSA national groups, ELSA alumni, and members from local groups including ELSA Galway, ELSA DCU, ELSA Trinity, and ELSA Maynooth.
The meeting featured workshops on key areas (academic activities, professional development, seminars and conferences, competitions, and diversity and inclusion) and supporting areas (board management, external relations and expansion, internal management, financial management, and marketing).
Following a break between the workshops, the council began with attendance and activity reports from each member of the national board of ELSA Ireland for 2023/24. Members reflected on a successful year full of academic events and competitions while looking forward to improving ELSA Ireland in the coming years.
The meeting also discussed and agreed a number of constitutional amendments, including the establishment of a new advisory board to support new and incoming boards of ELSA every year, and the introduction of an activity report for candidates running for the national board
The national board for 2024/25 was then elected, with a tie for the position of president resolved with a re-vote under the association’s election rules.
The new national board includes re-elected president Adrian Karbownik, re-elected vice president of seminars and conferences Ama Kuruppuarachchi, and re-elected vice-president of professional development Alex Shuck.
Newly-elected are secretary general Adam O’Carroll, vice president for academic activities Mariia Koval, vice president for competitions Blaithin Scully, and vice president for diversity and inclusion Vijeeta Ramdoolar.
The new board will soon seek to fill directorship positions.
Speaking after the event, Mr Karbownik said: “I would firstly like to thank all the speakers who gave up their Saturday mornings to contribute to the event with their incredible workshops.
“Further I would like to thank the team that helped organise the NCM — Leah Byrne, Adanna Nwamuo, Gráinne Homer, Mariia Koval, Ama Kuruppuarachchi and Bláithín Scully.
“Lastly, I would like to say a thank you to everyone who came to this event and who entrusted their vote in me, I am incredibly grateful to be able to continue with this incredible organisation for one more year and without the attendees, these events would not be possible.”