And finally… toilet break

A man has successfully overturned a fine for parking on a pavement after explaining he urgently needed to go to the toilet.

Michael Nyman, 85, was issued with a £130 fine after parking on a pavement when he found himself in a tight situation in the middle of heavy London traffic.

Transport for London (TfL) stood by the fine when contacted by Mr Nyman, but an official adjudicator ruled in his favour, Auto Express reports.

The adjudicator said needing to go to the toilet can constitute a legitimate emergency, and he could have been involved in an accident “if he had not stopped to relieve himself”.

Mr Nyman said: “There have to be rules governing the way we drive and I understand that people can’t just start pulling in wherever they like.

“However, some common sense has to be applied when the laws of nature come face-to-face with the laws of traffic.”

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