First edition of Irish Judicial Studies Journal 2021 online

The first edition of the Irish Judicial Studies Journal for 2021 is now online.
The articles include pieces on climate change by Mr Justice Max Barrett and on employment relationships in the “platform economy” by Judge Marie Quirke and Kate Winder.
Finn Keyes examines children’s rights and end of life decision-making in Re JJ, David Culleton looks at Norwich Pharmacal Orders, and Peo Mospele asks whether we should ban contemporaneous reporting on juvenile trials.
The book reviews are Ms Justice Mary Laffoy reviewing Byrne and McCutcheon on the Irish Legal System and Saoirse Enright reviewing How Judges Judge: Empirical Insights into Judicial Decision-Making.
Writing in the introduction, editor-in-chief Dr Laura Cahillane said: “In what has been a difficult period in so many ways, and in the context of the new world of remote hearings, new technology, and new ways of doing things more generally, it is fitting that the articles in this edition, for the most part, concentrate on very recent issues in the law and are also forward-looking,concentrating on reform and on implications for the future arising out of recent developments.”
IJSJ Edition 1 2021 is available from the IJSJ website.