Fitzgerald welcomes additional Dormant Accounts funding

Acting Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald
Acting Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald

Acting Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald has welcomed the announcement by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government of the adoption of the Dormant Accounts Action Plan 2016.

Ms Fitzgerald said: “The additional Dormant Accounts funding to be made available will allow my Department to support very worthwhile youth justice community based projects and to carry out essential capital works at two locations from which a number of youth justice projects operate. The roll-out of the services involved will be managed by the Irish Youth Justice Service.”

The €1.57 million to be provided for youth justice initiatives from the Dormant Accounts Fund under the 2016 Action Plan are additional to moniesmade available to the Department under the 2014 Action Plan.

The 2016 funding will support:

  • major refurbishment works to the premises occupied by the Garda Youth Diversion Project (GYDP) and the Young Persons Probation Project (YPP) in Moyross, Co. Limerick;
  • the re-development of the Candle Community Trust campus in Ballyfermot from which a Young Persons Probation Project operates;
  • the expansion of the Garda Youth Diversion Project service by providing additional youth justice workers to Cloyne Diocesan Youth Services and an additional Youth Justice Worker to the MOST GYDP in inner city Dublin;
  • the recruitment of a QQI FETAC Co-ordinator to ensure the provision of a wide range of FETAC accredited training and the delivery of a quality assured bespoke programme in the Midland Regional Youth Service’s GYDPs
  • the development of a Community Garden Project by Cabra for Youth Ltd. based on social inclusion and integration
  • the provision of a community minibus for the use of the SWAN Garda Youth Diversion Project based in North inner-city Dublin
  • Ms Fitzgerald said the “additional investment further demonstrates my commitment to working with An Garda Síochána to prevent and reduce youth crime and to provide support to the community based organisations who provide such essential support to our efforts”.

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