Flanagan warns slow passage of judicial reform bill could destabilise Government

Charlie Flanagan
Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan has warned that the slow passage of legislation that would reform the appointment of judges could destabilise the Government.
Mr Flanagan was referring to how the bill has been handled in the Seanad, where some Senators have engaged in filibustering.
He also said that Transport Minister Shane Ross, who has championed the Judicial Appointments Bill, had his “boot on his neck” over the proposed legislation.
Mr Ross wants to see judicial appointments taken away from politicians and the judiciary and given to an independent appointments commission in order to deter cronyism.
Mr Flanagan told The Irish Times: “I would like to see the bill progressed. So would Shane. It’s a Government bill and we have had over 60 hours of circular debate.
“I have a number of priorities to be advanced. Some senators have openly lauded their own obstructionist tactics.”