NI: Forensic firm under investigation not used by DoJ

NI: Forensic firm under investigation not used by DoJ

A firm facing an investigation related to forensic testing for certain British police forces is not contracted to perform testing in Northern Ireland, the Department of Justice has said.

Two men working for Crumlin-based Randox Testing Services (RTS) in Manchester have been arrested on suspicion of “data manipulation”.

Greater Manchester Police have now launched an investigation into 484 cases handled by RTS that may have been affected.

Forensic Science Northern Ireland (FSNI) confirmed that it has no contracts in place with Randox to conduct testing in Northern Ireland.

In a statement, it added: “FSNI, which is an agency of the Department of Justice, provides testing services for the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland. It has stringent procedures in place to ensure that it provides impartial scientific advice and support, which is objective, independent and carried out to the highest quality standards.”

In a statement, Randox said it is treating the matter “with the utmost seriousness”.

It added: “There is no question mark over the RTS quality system or the robustness of our practices and procedures. The RTS quality system complies with global best practice and is fit for purpose.

“However, no system is completely fool-proof and no industry is immune from the activities of a rogue employee(s) who goes to great lengths to conceal the fact and nature of their deception.

“This situation has occurred as a result of the perverse actions of individual(s) – for which they may be held legally accountable.

“This deception was uncovered as a result of an internal investigation. As acknowledged by all stakeholders, RTS Manchester has dealt with the situation in an appropriate and timely manner.”

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