Frustrated Birmingham bombings families await legal aid decision

Amber Rudd

The families of nine of the 21 victims of the 1974 Birmingham pub bombings will learn whether they will qualify for legal aid later this month.

An inquest into the bombings, which led to a notorious miscarriage of justice, will be held next year. To date, the families have been represented on a pro-bono basis by Belfast firm KRW.

Yesterday, members of the Justice4the21 campaign emerged “disappointed” from a meeting with UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd.

Julie Hambleton, who lost her 18-year-old sister Maxine in the bombings, said: “We are frustrated and disappointed. The meeting did not produce the expected results, but she listened to us and she listened to the reasons why we want funding and why we need to be legally represented at those forthcoming inquests.

“A line of communication has now been opened where she has informed us that she will make a decision by no later than the end of this month.”

Mrs Hambleton added: “Our legal team are still waiting in the wings in limbo while they need to be sifting documentation.”

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