Gardaí to gain new powers to tackle scrambler bikes

Gardaí to gain new powers to tackle scrambler bikes

Gardaí are set to gain new legislative powers to help tackle the anti-social use of scrambler bikes, quad bikes, and similar off-road machines in spaces such as public parks.

Transport Minister Eamon Ryan will bring committee stage amendments to the Road Traffic (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill to beef up existing powers targeting mechanically propelled vehicles (MPVs).

The legislation will introduce three specific measures:

  • Use of a MVP will be prohibited on public or private land, except in cases where there is permission from the landowner. This proposed new offence will cover places such as parks, green areas, waste ground, beaches and others, while the use of vehicles on private lands (such as farms) will not be affected.
  • Gardaí will be given powers to detain a vehicle used in a location where permission from the landowner has not been received.
  • Gardaí will also be enabled, on foot of a warrant, to enter a private premises and remove a vehicle suspected of having been used contrary to the new offence.

Mr Ryan said: “I am determined to stop the misuse of quads, scramblers and similar vehicles, by making it an offence to use them in areas such as waste ground, parks and other places which were not covered by road traffic legislation up to now.”

He said the government’s amendments, promised in the Programme for Government, will “hopefully reduce the risks of death and serious injury”.

Minister of state Hildegarde Naughton said: “It is already an offence to supply an MPV to a minor, whether by sale, lending, gifting, or renting. The offence carries a penalty of a fine of up to €5,000 and/or up to six months in prison.

“I would urge parents, family members or friends who are considering gifting a scrambler to please reconsider their choice of gift; sadly, our experience to date has been one resulting in serious long-term or fatal injury.”

Minister of state for law reform, James Browne, added: “Last week I convened a special meeting of a subgroup of the Forum on Anti-Social Behaviour to consider community-based approaches to address the misuse of scramblers and quad bikes as part of the overall package of Government measures to tackle the issue.

“The group has been tasked with presenting practical proposals, which can be considered by Government, within 4 weeks. The forthcoming National Youth Justice Strategy will also help further develop our capacity to deal with issues such as this, where they develop, around the country.”

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