Gardaí ‘too dependent’ on Britain for security intelligence

Gardaí 'too dependent' on Britain for security intelligence

Dr Edward Burke

Security experts have warned that gardaí are dependent on UK intelligence to track international criminals living in Ireland, the Sunday Business Post reports.

Dr Edward Burke, director of the Centre for Conflict, Security and Terrorism in Nottingham, said gardaí’s heavy reliance on GCHQ, MI5 and the National Crime Agency (NCA) is a “relatively open secret” in Europe.

However, he warned that could become a problem after Brexit if Britain diverged from EU standards in justice and home affairs.

He set out his concerns in a newly published submission to the Commission on the Future of Policing, which published its final report in September.

Dr Burke also expressed concern about Ireland’s ability to withstand cyber attacks against the State and private sector from foreign governments and organised criminals.

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