Green lease clauses to support climate-conscious landlords and tenants

A suite of green lease clauses for use in commercial leases in Ireland has been published by The Chancery Lane Project (TCLP).
Law firms Arthur Cox, ByrneWallace and Mason Hayes & Curran spearheaded the development of the clauses along with other members of TCLP’s Irish property working group.
The three new clauses are designed for climate-conscious landlords and tenants and are named after children in recognition of how actions to combat the climate crisis will benefit future generations:
- clauses promoting co-operation between landlords and tenants in relation to the environmental performance of buildings (Odhran’s Clause);
- repair and alteration covenants, rent review assumptions and covenants for the protection of energy and sustainability ratings (Emily and Tom’s Clause); and
- clauses incorporating circular economy and sustainability principles into a service charge regime, landlord’s regulations and landlord’s works (Amélie and Lauri’s Clause).
The clauses “should be treated as a menu from which landlords and tenants can select the clauses most suitable for their premises”, TCLP said.