UK: Grenfell survivors take legal action against American companies

More than 100 survivors of the Grenfell tower fire are taking legal action in the US against companies they believe are to blame for the disaster, the BBC reports.
The lawsuit is targeting cladding maker Arconic, as well as insulation maker Celotex and Whirlpool, a fridge supplier.
The fire in June 2017 led to the deaths of 72 people while another 70 were injured.
New exterior cladding and insulation had been installed the previous year as part of a £10 million refit of the building.
American lawyers, representing Grenfell survivors and the relatives of the victims, are expected to file a lawsuit in Philadelphia this week under product liability law.
However, not all Grenfell residents have signed up for the action, as some believe it could distract from the public inquiry and criminal investigation.
One survivor said: “We respect those that wish to take action in the US, and we respect those that don’t wish to.”
It is believed that all three companies will initially argue that the US has no jurisdiction to hear the case.
A spokesperson for Whirlpool said: “Nothing matters more to us than people’s safety. That’s why as soon as we were made aware of this incident, we launched an investigation into the model of fridge freezer that was in the flat where the fire began.
“Two separate investigations have been carried out – one by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), and another by Whirlpool. Both investigations independently found no evidence of any fault with this model and confirmed that it fully complied with all safety requirements. These conclusions have also been verified by the government’s chief scientific adviser.”
The legal process is expected to take several years. An initial judgment on whether the case may proceed will likely be issued within six months, while a full trial could occur 18 months later.