Hibernian Law Journal invites submissions for Volume 18

The Hibernian Law Journal is now accepting submissions for Volume 18, which will be published in summer 2019.
Last July, Mr Justice Michael Peart of the Court of Appeal launched Volume 17 at a special ceremony convened at the Law Society of Ireland.
Volume 17 encompasses a range of articles published by a diverse group of authors including academics, trainee solicitors and practicing lawyers. The published articles include proposals for collective litigation mechanisms in Ireland; the autonomy of the European Union’s legal order; the ‘good character’ requirement for acquisition of Irish citizenship; the ‘right to truth’ in post-conflict Northern Ireland and Cambodia; and the so-called ‘cyberspace fallacy’.
The Hibernian Law Journal is now welcoming original articles for Volume 18, ranging from 5,000-15,000 words, relating to Irish, European, and international law, if relevant in an Irish context. It particularly welcomes submissions from trainee solicitors and pupil barristers, PhD students and early career academics.
A cash prize for “Overall Best Article” and “Best Article by a Trainee Solicitor” is awarded annually, in consultation with the Judge-in-Residence of the Hibernian Law Journal, and those trainee solicitors who successfully publish an article in Volume 18 will be entitled to an exemption from a PPCII elective.
Submissions for Volume 18 are due by 9 November 2018. All submissions and queries should be sent to editor@hibernianlawjournal.com.