High Court announces arrangements for Long Vacation 2018
Mr Justice Peter Kelly, president of the High Court, has advised practitioners of arrangements for the Long Vacation 2018.
A High Court judge will be available every day throughout the Long Vacation to hear urgent applications.
Applications will not be listed before the vacation judge without certification from the High Court’s duty registrar that the matter is urgent.
In the case of urgent matters, practitioners should contact the Four Courts at 01-8886000 to make arrangements with the duty registrar.
All sittings before the vacation judge will take place Monday to Friday in Court 3 in the Four Courts at 11am.
In addition, the following categories of business shall be heard as follows:
- The Bail List at 11am in Cloverhill Courthouse on each Tuesday and Thursday in accordance with the arrangements set out in Practice Direction HC 63.
- The Commercial List at 11am in Court 1 Four Courts on 10 September.
- The Extradition List in Court 21 CCJ on 15 and 29 August and 12 September.
- The Minors’ List at 11am in Court 7 Four Courts on 16 August and 6 September.
- The Insolvency List at 11am in Court 3 Four Courts on 20 August and 20 September.
- The Hague and Luxembourg Convention List at 11am in Court 7 Four Courts on 27 August and 6 September.
Applications pursuant to Practice Direction HC74 for leave to apply for judicial review in respect of permissions or decisions concerning strategic infrastructure developments may be made to Mr Justice David Barniville on 29 August or either 5 or 19 September.
In circumstances where such an application must, having regards to time constraints, be made at any other time same shall be made to the duty judge who shall adjourn the application to a date be heard by Mr Justice Barniville.
The Legal Diary will be published on the Courts Service website on each day on which the Central Office is open during the Long Vacation.
The Central Office will be open for public business on weekdays from 10am until 4.30pm except on Monday 6 August.