HOMS Assist wins personal injury and medical negligence award

HOMS Assist wins personal injury and medical negligence award

HOMS Assist has been named Ireland’s best law firm of the year for personal injury claims and medical negligence cases at the 2024 Dye & Durham Irish Law Awards.

Senior partner Robert Bourke said: “Winning at the Irish Law Awards, with it only being our second year to enter, is a big boost of confidence to the team that the work and results we produce for clients is best in class.

“While winning awards is great, for us the big focus is doubling down on client focussed care and excellent service to achieve growth. We plan to do that through a succinct but multifaceted strategy that will not only see our market share grow but also our employee numbers and caseload.

“Truly a key aspect of that strategy is to educate the general public about their rights when it comes to claims, whether they be personal injury, medical and so on.”

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