HOMS Solicitors teams up with tech firm for cyber security breakfast briefing

HOMS Solicitors teams up with tech firm for cyber security breakfast briefing

HOMS Solicitors and tech firm ActionPoint joined forces at the Savoy Hotel in Limerick for a “multi-pronged” breakfast briefing on cyber security.

The event brought together regional CEOs and business owners with leading cyber security experts, who shared insights and best practice business advice, including IT risk management, corporate governance and cyber insurance.

Norman Newell, sales director at Renaissance, a cyber security mitigation specialist with over 25 years of industry experience, talked about IT protocols, firewalls and staff training.

Martin Adams of cyber insurance specialists Arachas helped attendees to grasp the importance of cyber insurance in relation to phishing, fraud and ransomware, as well as a means to protect against business loss.

Michael Murphy, partner and head of cyber risk and data protection at HOMS Solicitors, completed the session with an overview of the myths prevalent in cyber security, providing guests with a robust and practical approach to front line business defence.

Mr Murphy said: “Company directors need to be aware that cyber-attacks can have large and far-reaching consequences particularly if businesses are fined. In some cases, company directors can be held personally liable.”

ActionPoint CEO David Jeffreys added: “Cybercrime in Ireland is on the increase. According to PwC’s Economic Crime Survey 2018, 61 per cent of companies surveyed had experienced cybercrime (up from 44 per cent in 2016). This is almost double the global average.

“While these figures might seem alarming, business owners still need to remain positive and proactive. We advocate an holistic approach. Robust firewalls and AI-enabled threat defence systems only go so far, user education and boardroom responsibility are also key to success.”

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