Human rights commission secures settlement in HAP discrimination case

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission has secured a settlement on behalf of a tenant who brought a complaint of discrimination on the housing assistance ground.
The discrimination related to a considerable delay by a management company in submitting the required documentation to the relevant local authority relating to the client’s application for housing assistance payment (HAP).
The person was supported by the Commission in bringing a case before the Workplace Relations Commission under the Equal Status Acts. The claim was later settled on terms satisfactory to both parties.
Deirde Malone, director at the Commission, said: “The Commission is delighted to have provided legal assistance to this client to challenge the conduct of this management company in relation to a tenant’s application for the housing assistance payment.
“Particularly in light of the current housing climate in Ireland, protection from discrimination on the housing assistance ground is imperative.”
The tenant said: “I’m very grateful for the Commission’s assistance with my case. The Commission’s staff responded to my case with respect and dignity.
“I was provided with very clear advice on how best to proceed and how the law related to my case. This helped me to progress at every stage and ultimately, to reach a solution. At a difficult time, the Commission’s assistance was invaluable to me.”