Human rights commission welcomes move to recognise Traveller ethnicity
The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) has welcomed Taoiseach Enda Kenny’s historic move towards State recognition of Traveller ethnicity.
Mr Kenny has asked David Stanton, minister of state at the Department of Justice and Equality, to prepare a report on the issue for the Oireachtas social affairs committee.
Emily Logan, IHREC chief commissioner, said: “This support from An Taoiseach is historic, offering our indigenous Traveller community the recognition which has been long sought, and once made real will put Ireland back in step with Northern Ireland, the UK and other EU partners in recognising the ethnicity of Travellers as our own indigenous community.
“The logic of the Irish State’s ongoing refusal to recognise Traveller ethnicity was questioned only this week by the Council of Europe’s Human Rights Commissioner in our meeting with him, but has also been consistently challenged by UN bodies.
“Cross-party support for recognition of Traveller ethnicity was confirmed in the Oireachtas report on this issue from 2014, now we must ensure cross party support combined with the Taoiseach’s personal commitment sees Travellers given the recognition the community deserves.
“These words from An Taoiseach, show that in this centenary year of equality, that this State is now moving to recognise the ethnicity of our own indigenous community, and shows Ireland’s determination in protecting and respecting human rights and equality.”