ICCL unveils shortlist for human rights film award

The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) has named the four films shortlisted for the 2024 ICCL Human Rights Film Award at the Dublin International Film Festival (DIFF).
The winning film will be decided by a four-strong jury comprised of writer Una Mullally; Dr Marie-Luce Paris, associate professor in law at UCD and academic director of the UCD Centre for Human Rights; Ruadhán Ó Críodáin, executive director of ShoutOut; and visual artist and journalist Ala Buisir.
The four nominated films are Bye Bye Tiberias, Dear Jassi, Green Border and Shayda, which will be screened at the festival from 26 February to 1 March 2024.
The winning film will be announced at the Dublin International Film Festival Awards on Sunday 25 February.