Immigration lawyers gather in Cork

Immigration lawyers gather in Cork

Pictured: The Irish Immigration Lawyers Association (IILA) committee for 2024.

The Irish Immigration Lawyers’ Association (IILA) welcomed over 80 delegates to its annual Cork conference last week.

After a welcome from chairperson Thomas Coughlan, the first session heard from Michael McGrath SC on “Advocacy at the International Protection Appeals Tribunal”, followed by Shannon Haynes BL on “The Acceleration and Prioritisation of International Protection Applications”.

The conference was also addressed by Judge James O’Donohoe of the Circuit Court, who spoke about his appointment to the bench from the solicitor ranks more than two decades ago and paid tribute to the IILA’s work.

Judge O’Donohoe told the conference: “In my experience the standard of legal practice is very high and specialist associations like your own allow for excellence in legal knowledge to blossom, improving standards of representation and ultimately leading to fairer outcomes for the clients you represent.

“In a world of competing interests, you must do your best for your clients, and this is complemented by nurturing and protecting the legal system itself with the ultimate goal of justice for those who need it.”

In the second session, Aengus Ó Corráin BL spoke about “Mandamus in Immigration Cases: Recent Issues with Practice and Procedure and Costs” followed by a practitioner’s prospective on visa applications by solicitor Wendy Lyon entitled “Visa Applications: The Third Circle of Hell”.

The sessions were followed by lively Q&A discussions which added insight and debate into the current issues legal teams face in the immigration system.

Mr Coughlan said: “It was a successful day well-attended by solicitors, barristers and support staff specialising in immigration attending from across the country.

“The conference was followed by a gathering which was a splendid opportunity for members to network, particularly younger and associate members including legal executives, caseworkers and staff.”

The conference dinner was addressed by John Fuller, president of the Southern Law Association, and Michael Conlon SC, chairman of the Immigration, Asylum and Citizenship Bar Association (IACBA).

Presentations were made by committee members Eoin Joyce and Carol Sinnott to outgoing IILA founding committee members Karen Berkeley and Colm Stanley, who will stand down at the AGM which is scheduled for September.

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