NI: Increase in legal queries from employees asked to return to workplaces

Lawyers have experienced an increase in queries from employees who have been asked to return to work despite no change in public health guidance in Northern Ireland.
Law Centre NI said recent statements by Prime Minister Boris Johnson had led to confusion in Northern Ireland, where advice for workers remains to stay at home where possible.
Employment policy officer Jack Gibson said: “Our legal advice line has encountered a number of key trends recently, one of which has been an increase in the number of people being taken off furlough and being asked to return to work.
“There is a real worry this is happening because employers in Northern Ireland are uncertain of the guidance in light of the Prime Minister’s statement.”
He added: “It is clear that both workers and employers are not always aware of the rules. We are very worried that this confusion is having a detrimental impact on workers’ rights at this time.”