#InPictures: HOMS Solicitors presents €450 cheque to head injury charity

Pictured (l-r): Rella Galvin, Shannonree Maher, Molly Johnson, Sarah Falvey and Brian Hogan
Limerick-based HOMS Solicitors has presented a cheque for €450 to its new charity partner, Headway Ireland.
The funds were raised by staff at a coffee morning fundraiser coinciding with Brain Injury Awareness Week, with the proceeds split between Headway and a second charity, Acquired Brain Injury Ireland.
Later this year, staff will run the Regeneron Great Limerick Run in support of Headway, which provides services and support for people affected by acquired brain injury in Ireland.
The cheque was presented by solicitor Sarah Falvey and HR assistant Molly Johnson at the end of an information seminar on acquired head injuries for HOMS staff.
Rella Galvin, rehabilitative services manager at Headway, addressed the firm’s employees along with Brian Hogan and Shannonree Maher, two of Headway’s clients.
HOMS Solicitors gave special thanks to La Cucina, Sodalicious, Hook and Ladder and Bean an Tí for sponsoring its fundraising.