#InPictures: Maples and Calder hold seminar on future of retail
Maples and Calder welcomed retail and property experts to a seminar looking at the future of the retail sector in the Internet age.
Alex McCulloch, director at CACI Consulting (pictured left), delivered the keynote speech.
Also pictured above are Diarmuid Mawe, partner and head of property at Maples and Calder, and Claire Solon, head of property at Friends First.
Speaking at the event, Mr McCulloch said: “There is no doubt the consumer and retail landscapes are going through immense structural upheaval and the political and economic backdrop is making it all the more challenging.
“However, Ireland is uniquely placed (with just 50 per cent of Irish shoppers online as opposed to 80 per cent in the UK) to take advantage of this opportunity.
“You currently have a stronger retail landscape than the UK, you have a consumer who is champing at the bit, and you are positioned to ride the wave, not get caught up in it. Just remember, be bold; innovation will be rewarded.”