IPRT and Children’s Law Centre NI to benefit from Community Foundation Ireland funding

IPRT and Children's Law Centre NI to benefit from Community Foundation Ireland funding

Denise Charlton

Community Foundation Ireland has marked Mandela Day with the announcement of new projects with the Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) and Northern Ireland’s Children’s Law Centre.

18 July celebrates the birthday of Nelson Mandela, which the all-island charity is using the opportunity to confirm its renewed partnership with three major projects which share its mission of ‘equality for all in thriving communities’.

All three reflect the priority the former president placed on rights for children, migrants and people trapped in a cycle of imprisonment through poverty, mental health and addiction.

IPRT will benefit from €208,000 in funding over three years to work towards the delivery of existing policy commitments in the 2022 penal and prison reform action plan as well as identifying new measures.

New research will focus on the over-representation of people with mental health and disability issues, those in poverty and addiction as well as early school-leavers within the prison population. The goal is to make imprisonment a penalty of last resort.

Northern Ireland’s Children’s Law Centre, which provides free legal advice and advocacy to enable refugee and asylum children to access health, education and housing, will benefit from a €35,000 funding boost.

Finally, funding of €150,000 over three years will support Schools of Sanctuary, a national network of primary and secondary schools using education to increase awareness around inclusion.

Denise Charlton, chief executive of Community Foundation Ireland, said: “As a philanthropic hub with a mission of ‘equality for all in thriving communities’, Nelson Mandela Day has always held a special place for the Community Foundation, our supporters and partners.

“We are answering the 2024 rallying call for the day ‘It’s In Your Hands’ by confirming the strengthening of partnerships which reflect those issues championed by the former South African president following his release from imprisonment on Robben Island.

“Each will help transform thousands of lives. Each will advance our mission. Each will help realise the vision of Nelson Mandela when he told us: ‘As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest.’ It is a message which continues to resonate in Ireland of 2024.”

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