Irish Journal of European Law seeks submissions for 2021 volume

Legal scholars, practitioners, judges and public servants have been invited to make submissions for the 2021 volume of the Irish Journal of European Law.
Published under the auspices of the Irish Society for European Law (ISEL), the journal was established in 1992 and has since developed an international reputation as a leading journal on European law.
The journal – whose articles are blind peer reviewed – is now issuing a call for original papers for its 2021 volume. Papers are welcomed in the following categories:
- Long articles (indicative length 8,000 – 12,000 words)
- Shorter articles and analysis (indicative length up to 6,000 words)
- Professional practice pieces, addressing areas of European law and/or practice that would be of particular interest to practitioners (any length)
- Notes on case law (indicative length 2,000-3,000 words)
- Notes on legislation (any length)
The journal welcomes submissions on all areas of European law, including EU law and European law in the wider sense.
The journal has an international reputation and attracts contributions from scholars, practitioners, judges and public servants (writing in a personal capacity) from across Europe and beyond. Submissions are welcomed from established scholars, early career researchers, students, and practitioners.
Submissions should be sent for consideration by the editorial board to by 5pm on Friday 26 March 2021 in Word format, size 12 font, single-spaced. References should be in OSCOLA Ireland format and please use footnotes rather than endnotes.
Submissions should be two separate files: the first comprising a cover page with your name, affiliation, contact details, five or so keywords, and the title and abstract for your article, and the second comprising your full article with no personal identifiers (for blind peer review purposes).
More information is available from the same email address. Previous volumes are hosted on Westlaw, HeinOnline and on the Irish Society for European Law’s website.